Opening hours today

Lunch 10.30-17
DeliSalad 10.30-15
CampusGrill 11.45-15
Campus Cafe 8-16
Deli Cafe 7.30-17

Restaurants and cafés

At Campusravita’s student and staff restaurants you can choose your lunch from various alternatives including vegetarian and soup options as well as salad portions. We also take care of special diets.

Lunch is served at 10.30-17.00
(excluding holidays and vacation periods, check up-to-date lunch and opening hours here).

Lunchportion includes:

  • main course
  • beverage
  • bread and spread
  • salad buffet (to the same plate)

From 1.10.2022 onwards price of the day’s lunch is 2,95 € for students (Tamko members 2,85€), for staff 6,50€ and for visitors 10,90€. Click here for more extensive lunch price list.

Diverse café services as well as warm sandwiches are available all day during the opening hours. Please notice that there might be a small difference about the food options regarding to previously announced.

You can also buy lunch dishes to go, please ask our staff for more information!

We also serve breakfast on weekdays at the moment 7.30-9.15 at new DeliCafe in B-building (B0) (excluding holidays and vacation periods, please check our up-to-date opening hours from front page).
Breakfast includes:

  • Porridge
  • Bread roll
  • Fresh bites
  • Juice
  • Coffee/ tea
  • Price: 3,20€

Cheese, cold cuts, eggs and other extra products can be bought separately.

About special diets

Our selection also includes daily lactose free, gluten free and vegan options. If you have any other dietary restrictions that needs to be available for you, please inform us before hand at ravintola(a)


You can load value on student or staff value cards 10,20,40 or 60€ at Campusravita’s (Kuntokatu 3) Campusfoodlines and Cafés.

You can pay all your purchases with loaded value- or student card at Campusravita. When paying with value card you’ll get discount on basic lunch, coffee and tea.

Please note that the money loaded on the value or student card cannot be returned. The value loaded on the card is like cash: if the card gets lost or breaks, loadings will also disappear with the card. Please take very good care of your card! And also remember to save the card’s serial number in case of a possible technical fault.

Campusravita @Facebook

3 päivää sitten

Tiesitkö, että tänään on kansallinen kalakeittopäivä? 😍

Campusravitan keittiössä valmistuukin parasta aikaa tämän päivän lounaalle kermaista lohikeittoa! 😋🐟 Kalakeitto onkin herkullinen ja terveellinen lounasvaihtoehto, joka sopii täydellisesti myös tällaisiin kylmiin pakkaspäiviin 😉👌

Nähdään lounaalla!


Did you know that today is national fish soup day? 😍

And for this reason, at this very moment, our cooks are preparing creamy salmon soup for todays lunch! 😋🐟 Fish soup is delicious and healthy lunch option, and it also suits perfectly for these freezing cold winter days 😉👌

See you at lunch!

#campusravita #kalakeittopäivä #meillätehty
#Tamko #sinuavarten #tamk
... Näytä enemmänNäytä vähemmän

Tiesitkö, että tänään on kansallinen kalakeittopäivä? 😍

Campusravitan keittiössä valmistuukin parasta aikaa tämän päivän lounaalle kermaista lohikeittoa! 😋🐟 Kalakeitto onkin herkullinen ja terveellinen lounasvaihtoehto, joka sopii täydellisesti myös tällaisiin kylmiin pakkaspäiviin 😉👌 

Nähdään lounaalla! 


Did you know that today is national fish soup day? 😍

And for this reason, at this very moment, our cooks are preparing creamy salmon soup for todays lunch! 😋🐟 Fish soup is delicious and healthy lunch option, and it also suits perfectly for these freezing cold winter days 😉👌 

See you at lunch!

#campusravita #kalakeittopäivä  #meillätehty 
#Tamko #sinuavarten #tamk
7 päivää sitten

Meiltä löydät herkut eri teemapäivinä, ja ensi viikolle näitä herkkupäiviä osuukin heti useampi! 😋
Maanantaista alkaen leipurimme leipovat myyntiin herkullista porkkanakakkua, ja alkuviikosta saadaan vitriineihin myös oman leipomomme laskiaispullia. Keskiviikkona juhlistetaan Runebergin päivää tietenkin Runebergin tortuilla.

Tiistaina 4.2. kansallisena kalakeittopäivänä on lounaalla tarjolla kermaista lohikeittoa.

Nähdään kahvilla ja lounaalla! ☺️


We have treats for different theme days, and next week we have plenty of those delicious days coming! 😍 From Monday onwards our bakers are baking delicious Carrot cakes and Shrove buns for you. And on Wednesday we celebrate Runeberg's Day of course with Runeberg's tarts.

On Tuesday 4th of February we have Creamy Salmon soup for lunch to mark National Fish Soup Day.

See you at coffee & lunch! ☺️

#campusravita #meillätehty #Tamko
#tamk #tampere
... Näytä enemmänNäytä vähemmän

Meiltä löydät herkut eri teemapäivinä, ja ensi viikolle näitä herkkupäiviä osuukin heti useampi! 😋 
Maanantaista alkaen leipurimme leipovat myyntiin herkullista porkkanakakkua, ja  alkuviikosta saadaan vitriineihin myös oman leipomomme laskiaispullia. Keskiviikkona juhlistetaan Runebergin päivää tietenkin Runebergin tortuilla.

Tiistaina 4.2. kansallisena kalakeittopäivänä on lounaalla tarjolla kermaista lohikeittoa. 

Nähdään kahvilla ja lounaalla! ☺️


We have treats for different theme days, and next week we have plenty of those delicious days coming! 😍 From Monday onwards our bakers are baking delicious Carrot cakes and Shrove buns for you. And on Wednesday we celebrate Runebergs Day of course with Runebergs tarts.

On Tuesday 4th of February we have Creamy Salmon soup for lunch to mark National Fish Soup Day. 

See you at coffee & lunch! ☺️

#campusravita #meillätehty #Tamko 
#tamk #tampere

Campusravita @Instagram