Opening hours today

Lunch -
DeliSalad -
CampusGrill -
Campus Cafe -
Deli Cafe -

Privacy policy

The holder of the register

Our website is

Register inquiries

Saija Leponiemi,

The name of the register


Collecting personal information

We collect personal information when you place an order with us so we can:

Reply to inquiries and stay in touch with customers when needed
Handle the orders

Personal information can be used for email marketing as well if the customer has approved this.

Register description

Customer can register following information on the website:

Mobile number
Other voluntary information

We also save the date and time of the orders and forms and get technical data from the devices you use to access our websites in case of fraud, misuse and system errors.

5.1 Integrated content on the website

This website might have integrated content from other websites such as videos, photos or articles. Consuming content shown on this website can be compared to the customer visiting the other websites.

These websites might be able to collect information about you, use cookies, integrate third party tracking cookies or monitor your interaction with integrated content, including following your interaction if you are logged onto the website.

Source of information

The register information is received directly and only from the customer through website forms.

In addition, website collects log information.

Customer information regulations

We do not give away any customer information to anybody.

Sending information outside of EU or ETA

Your information may be, at times, handled in a location outside of Europe due to international suppliers, for example in the U.S. These companies may handle your information to offer for instance infrastructural or IT services, or other services including sending newsletters. In these cases, we will ensure that the register will be secured by using the model statements approved by the EU Commission. Given personal information can be name, address, email and mobile number.

Securing the register

The register information is accessible only to the holder of the register or specifically named people. Only these people are allowed to handle or maintain the register. The users are bound to secrecy.

Network and ADP devices, where the register is, are secured by firewall and other technical procedures. ADP devices are being kept in a locked and supervised space. The data communications are encrypted.

Customer’s right to check register information

Everyone has a right to check their personal information.

The checkup request must be done by writing a letter or email. The request will be handed over to the holder of the register.

Moderate fee might be asked for the information request.

Customer’s right to correct personal information on register

Everyone has a right to require a correction to register information. The request must be written and individualised: you must inform your name and and the incorrect and correct information. The request will be handed over to the holder of the register.


We are using cookies on this website. By using this site you agree to the use of cookies.

Cookies help to make the interaction between users and websites faster and easier. For example, they can remember your login details or information you supply as you set up your user account. The user can block the use of cookies by changing your browser setting. The instructions to change your cookie settings can be found from your browser’s guidelines:

Chrome Android
Chrome iOS
Internet Explorer
iOS Safari

Website statistics

Websites compile statistics anonymously through log files and cookies. User information is not being used with data collection. The statistics may save for example following information:

Time of visits
Number of visits
How the user found the website
What browser the user was using

More information about collecting data can be found from:

Campusravita @Facebook

7 päivää sitten


Kiitos palautteistanne ❤
Toiveidenne ja palautteidenne perusteella lounaalla jatkossa mm.:
* Lounassalaattipöydästä löytyy joka päivä myös proteiinilisäke
* Meillä tehtyä kotiruokaa; mm. perinteistä makkarakastiketta ja talon jauhelihapihvejä, sekä vaihdellen kansainvälisiä makuja, myös leipälounaaseen
* Olemme lisänneet entisestään kasvis- ja vegaaniruokia lounasvalikoimaan
* Tuttuun tapaan tarjoamme CampusravitaBakeryn tuoreita sämpylöitä lounaalla.
* Keväällä toteutamme muutamia ruokateemapäiviä -pysy kuulolla! 😊

P.S. Annathan meille jatkossakin palautetta!

Nähdään lounaalla!



OUR MENU HAS BEEN RENEWED from 7th January 2025 onwards!

Thank you for your feedback ❤
Based on your wishes and feedback there will be for example these available at lunch:
* Protein extra in the lunch salad buffet every day
* Our kitchen’s home-cooked meals; such as traditional sausage sauce and house style minced meat patties, and alternately international lunch flavours, also on bread lunch
* We have increased even more vegetarian- as well as and vegan meal options on our lunch menu
* As usual, you will find our CampusravitaBakery’s fresh and tasty bread rolls at lunch.
* In the spring we will have few theme food days - stay tuned! 😊
P.S. Give us feedback in the future too!!

See you at lunch!
... Näytä enemmänNäytä vähemmän


Kiitos palautteistanne ❤
Toiveidenne ja palautteidenne perusteella lounaalla jatkossa mm.: 
* Lounassalaattipöydästä löytyy joka päivä myös proteiinilisäke
* Meillä tehtyä kotiruokaa; mm. perinteistä makkarakastiketta ja talon jauhelihapihvejä, sekä vaihdellen kansainvälisiä makuja, myös leipälounaaseen
* Olemme lisänneet entisestään kasvis- ja vegaaniruokia lounasvalikoimaan
* Tuttuun tapaan tarjoamme CampusravitaBakeryn tuoreita sämpylöitä lounaalla.
* Keväällä toteutamme muutamia ruokateemapäiviä -pysy kuulolla! 😊

P.S. Annathan meille jatkossakin palautetta!

Nähdään lounaalla!



OUR MENU HAS BEEN RENEWED from 7th January 2025 onwards!

Thank you for your feedback ❤
Based on your wishes and feedback there will be for example these available at lunch: 
* Protein extra in the lunch salad buffet every day
* Our kitchen’s home-cooked meals; such as traditional sausage sauce and house style minced meat patties, and alternately international lunch flavours, also on bread lunch
* We have increased even more vegetarian- as well as and vegan meal options on our lunch menu
* As usual, you will find our CampusravitaBakery’s fresh and tasty bread rolls at lunch.
* In the spring we will have few theme food days - stay tuned! 😊
P.S. Give us feedback in the future too!!

See you at lunch!
3 viikkoa sitten

Ihanaa joulunaikaa! 🎅✨
Nähdään taas ensi vuonna! 😍


Campusravita wishes all of its customers Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎅🎄
Restaurant is open again on 2nd and 3rd of January.
See you next year! 😍

... Näytä enemmänNäytä vähemmän

Ihanaa joulunaikaa! 🎅✨
Nähdään taas ensi vuonna! 😍


Campusravita wishes all of its customers Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎅🎄
Restaurant is open again on 2nd and 3rd of January. 
See you next year! 😍


Campusravita @Instagram