Opening hours today

Lunch -
DeliSalad -
CampusGrill -
Campus Cafe -
Deli Cafe -



Welcome to campus and eat well!


Campusravita opens again 1st of August

Coffee, snacks and lunch are at your service again from Thursday onwards in B-building. Welcome!


Additional information regarding new self-service counters (B2 and B3)

When using our new self-service counters (B2 and B3) at the renovated B-lines, please notice that Tamko member discount (-0,10€) is unfortunately not available at these counters. On other lunch lines you will get the Tamko member discount as usual.

Student identification on the self-service counters is made through Tuudo with QR-code, and once the code is read, student is entitled to meal subsidized student lunch price (2,95€).


Customer safety and face masks in our restaurants and cafés


Please wear a face mask every time when shopping with us, standing in our queues, and paying at our counters. Remember also to keep safe distances and take care of your hand hygiene when coming to our Restaurant, Cafés and Shop. Do not come to campus if you feel yourself sick or having any symptoms of illness. Due to current guidances, there can only be 50% of the restaurant’s customer seating available at the moment, and it is not allowed to move chairs from tables. Remember to also put used face masks into the bin straight after use.

Campusravita @Facebook

7 päivää sitten


Kiitos palautteistanne ❤
Toiveidenne ja palautteidenne perusteella lounaalla jatkossa mm.:
* Lounassalaattipöydästä löytyy joka päivä myös proteiinilisäke
* Meillä tehtyä kotiruokaa; mm. perinteistä makkarakastiketta ja talon jauhelihapihvejä, sekä vaihdellen kansainvälisiä makuja, myös leipälounaaseen
* Olemme lisänneet entisestään kasvis- ja vegaaniruokia lounasvalikoimaan
* Tuttuun tapaan tarjoamme CampusravitaBakeryn tuoreita sämpylöitä lounaalla.
* Keväällä toteutamme muutamia ruokateemapäiviä -pysy kuulolla! 😊

P.S. Annathan meille jatkossakin palautetta!

Nähdään lounaalla!



OUR MENU HAS BEEN RENEWED from 7th January 2025 onwards!

Thank you for your feedback ❤
Based on your wishes and feedback there will be for example these available at lunch:
* Protein extra in the lunch salad buffet every day
* Our kitchen’s home-cooked meals; such as traditional sausage sauce and house style minced meat patties, and alternately international lunch flavours, also on bread lunch
* We have increased even more vegetarian- as well as and vegan meal options on our lunch menu
* As usual, you will find our CampusravitaBakery’s fresh and tasty bread rolls at lunch.
* In the spring we will have few theme food days - stay tuned! 😊
P.S. Give us feedback in the future too!!

See you at lunch!
... Näytä enemmänNäytä vähemmän


Kiitos palautteistanne ❤
Toiveidenne ja palautteidenne perusteella lounaalla jatkossa mm.: 
* Lounassalaattipöydästä löytyy joka päivä myös proteiinilisäke
* Meillä tehtyä kotiruokaa; mm. perinteistä makkarakastiketta ja talon jauhelihapihvejä, sekä vaihdellen kansainvälisiä makuja, myös leipälounaaseen
* Olemme lisänneet entisestään kasvis- ja vegaaniruokia lounasvalikoimaan
* Tuttuun tapaan tarjoamme CampusravitaBakeryn tuoreita sämpylöitä lounaalla.
* Keväällä toteutamme muutamia ruokateemapäiviä -pysy kuulolla! 😊

P.S. Annathan meille jatkossakin palautetta!

Nähdään lounaalla!



OUR MENU HAS BEEN RENEWED from 7th January 2025 onwards!

Thank you for your feedback ❤
Based on your wishes and feedback there will be for example these available at lunch: 
* Protein extra in the lunch salad buffet every day
* Our kitchen’s home-cooked meals; such as traditional sausage sauce and house style minced meat patties, and alternately international lunch flavours, also on bread lunch
* We have increased even more vegetarian- as well as and vegan meal options on our lunch menu
* As usual, you will find our CampusravitaBakery’s fresh and tasty bread rolls at lunch.
* In the spring we will have few theme food days - stay tuned! 😊
P.S. Give us feedback in the future too!!

See you at lunch!
3 viikkoa sitten

Ihanaa joulunaikaa! 🎅✨
Nähdään taas ensi vuonna! 😍


Campusravita wishes all of its customers Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎅🎄
Restaurant is open again on 2nd and 3rd of January.
See you next year! 😍

... Näytä enemmänNäytä vähemmän

Ihanaa joulunaikaa! 🎅✨
Nähdään taas ensi vuonna! 😍


Campusravita wishes all of its customers Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎅🎄
Restaurant is open again on 2nd and 3rd of January. 
See you next year! 😍


Campusravita @Instagram